Saturday, June 26, 2010

Another Donation

Another local company has just helped us out. Marsh Lake Tents & Events has donated $1,000 to the shelter.

Thanks to them from all our animals. It shows how great the support is from all Yukoners.

Friday, June 25, 2010


No, it's not what we're suffering from in Whitehorse after the bright sunshine and heat of the past few days (pauses for hollow laughter) it is our annual music festival.

If you're in the area of Whitehorse, the fun starts at 4PM Friday 25th June (today) and runs till midnight. Saturday 26th June has a whole twelve hours of music from midday to midnight. We have Rock, Roots, Doom Metal, Folk, Blues and more.

There are local vendors, activities for kids and beer gardens for the, ahem, more grown up kids. The price is $20 per day and kids under 12 get in for FREE!

This is a fundraiser for the Humane Society so, if you're in the area please come along to Shipyards Park to enjoy some great music and help our animals. If you're not in the area, just hop on a plane and fly up here to the beautiful Yukon! Come on, you know you want to.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Kids today...They're just so generous!

Many thanks going out to Cameron Araj. Cameron just celebrated a birthday and asked people to give things suitable for our animals instead of presents. Thanks to Cameron's generosity the shelter now has more food, blankets, money and toys for our animals.

Also raising money for the shelter were the Whitehorse Baptist Church Youth Group. They started off with 4 HB pencils and by a process of "bigger and better" managed to raise $110 for the shelter.

Thanks to all the group, great job!

More thanks go out to Dylan Cozens, who donated $40 to us from his birthday.

Cat Food Recall

For those of you who may not have heard, there is a recall on certain types of Iams canned cat and kitten food.

The details are as follows:

On June 9, Iams (a Proctor & Gamble company) recalled Iams ProActive Health canned Cat and Kitten Food, all varieties of 3 ounce and 5.5 ounce cans, with "09/2011" and "06/2012" date stamps on the bottom of the can. The recall applies to North America. The problem is a deficiency in vitamin B1 (Thiamine).
Cats who have been fed these foods exclusively should be watched for symptoms that include decreased appetite, vomiting, and possible dizziness. If your cat shows these symptoms, call or visit your veterinarian immediately. Cats with a mixed diet - for example, who regularly get dry cat food, or another type of canned - are probably getting the vitamin from the other food. It's a good idea for cat owners to return recalled food anyway.
Stores should accept returns of this food for a full refund. For a complete information, visit the FDA recall page or the Proctor & Gamble (Iams' parent company) page.

Thiamine is an extremely important vitamin for cats and dogs. It has been linked to a healthy immune system and proper functioning of the nervous system. As always with pet health, if you see your cat showing any of the signs listed above CALL YOUR VET IMMEDIATELY.

Friday, June 11, 2010

" leaving"

After 4 years in charge of the shelter our Administrator, Tracy Smythe, is moving on to new challenges. All the staff wish her well and would like to thank her for her dedicated work on behalf of the animals.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Garage Sale A Success

The shelter's garage sale ran last weekend and raised over $4,000!

Thanks to all those who donated items as well those as those people who bought stuff from us.

Special thanks goes out to our amazing volunteers who organised the sale. It took weeks of planning to achieve the sale together with a lot of work.

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Healthy Canine Mind In A Healthy Canine Body

Well, summer is just about here (risk of frost tonight excepted) and the shelter is preparing for some upgrades.

We are having a fence installed in our dog yard at the shelter, this extra fence will increase the canine capacity of our yard. Not all dogs get along with each other and so when dogs are out for exercise we have to to find the appropriate mix of pooches. The end result is that some dogs end up spending yard time on their own. When the solo mutts are outside we can't let any other dogs out. Our new fence will effectively double available dog space and so allow for all our dogs to have more time running around in the fresh air.

Even though all the dogs get the best of care in the shelter they still have to spend a lot of time in their pens. All of our dogs look forward to their walks and yard time and when our upgrades are complete, their wait will be shorter. Sanus canine mens in a sanus canine somes, which requires plenty of outdoor canine activity.

This project would not be possible without some help, in this case the help has come from Yukon Energy which has donated $5,000 to the shelter for this project. Many thanks to Yukon Energy for their help which will greatly increase the canine hwyl at the shelter . This is genuinely one of those cases where the phrase "We couldn't have done it without you," applies.