Yes, it's Rendezvous again in Whitehorse complete with all the fun and crazy events. The Humane Society was involved in the Pet Parade and the Dog Howling Contest. There will be a full update of the Dog Howling results later but we did have a three dog tie for first and a two dog tie for third place.
Here are some of the entrants.
The dog in the lower right also acted as a backup singer for the rest of the dogs.
These are some of the dogs in the pet parade.
This was an ingenious costume, the peg leg is real. The dog was unfortunate enough to lose a hind leg and wore the peg leg as part of the outfit. This was the costume that won first prize.
Yes, it is a pet parade not a dog parade so we do get other pets.
Thanks to all those who took part in the parade. Thanks also to those who dropped some money in our donation can.
Enjoy the rest of Rendezvous!